THE ALPHABET SYMMETRY G E O AND Q E R U B Y Atention one littel mistake in what you see Above G and Q has one line of Symmetry Q can even have two lines of symmetry G is like C and Q is like O. The F have zero lines of symmetry. This letter cannot be folded in half in any way with the part matching up. The rest of the letters, A, B, C G, D, and E all have only 1 line of symmetry. Notice that the A has a vertical line of symmetry, while the B, C, D, and E have a horizontal line of symmetry. Let's look at some more letters! How about the letters H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, and P? Think about whether any of these letters might have 2 lines of symmetry. Which letters have zero lines of symmetry? Which letters have one line of symmetry? Which letters have two lines of symmetry? Enter your answers below. That's right! J, K, L, N, and P have zero lines of symmetry. M has one line of symmetry, and H, I, and O h...