Should I use pray or prey?
Should I use pray or prey? These two homophones sound the same when spoken, but they are never interchangeable.
- Pray is a verb related to communication with one’s God.
- Prey can be either a noun or a verb related to predation.
Using the information below can help
Should I use pray or prey? These two homophones sound the same when spoken, but they are never interchangeable.
- Pray is a verb related to communication with one’s God.
- Prey can be either a noun or a verb related to predation.
Using the information above can help
As the Logo, Jesus Christ is God in self-revelation (Light) and redemption (Life). ... Jesus Christ not only gives God's Word to us humans; he is the Word. The Logos is God, begotten and therefore distinguishable from the Father, but, being God, of the same substance (essence).
Many Call them self's god in Earth
But they the da tha DOMMIE god$ in earth
The DOMMIE OF THE DOMMIEST god$ in earth...
Just because they Can do
adjective" noun
- 1.neither parallel nor at right angles to a specified or implied line; askew; crooked
- the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogues
DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY ARE true god$ what they are IS dommies learning to play with Toys...- AND THEY USE FROM THE TRUE GOD ALMIGHTY TOOLS...
THE DOMMIE god$ use them to PLAY
Foolish Dommie god$ in earth Learning to use THE TRUE GOD ALMIGHTY TOOLS And Dommie god$ in earth saying that they have master's degree of TRUE GOD ALMIGHTY TOOL !!!